Miracle with you

♪ Blue of summer comforts me

♪ It is the most wonderful in all the colors

♪ Whenever thinking you

♪ It is painful and dear

♪ 心通い合う時流す涙は

♪ 頬つたいきらりと光るよ

♪ 大切な物

♪ We wish to express our gratitude for the miracle that was able to meet y

♪ We wish to express our gratitude for the miracle that can be together

♪ 愛するため強くなるわ

♪ 離れないでいてね

♪ 蝉の鳴く街並みを歩いたね

♪ 午後の陽が二人を照らしたね

♪ もう迷うことはなくなってた

♪ 抱えてた不安が減った

♪ It is in the future though it is not possible to return when passing

♪ It does not run away even if it is painful

♪ If you are

♪ We wish to express our gratitude for the miracle that was able to meet y

♪ We wish to express our gratitude for the miracle that can be together

♪ 心配ないねやり直せるね

♪ 後悔はあるけれど

♪ We wish to express our gratitude for the miracle that was able to meet y

♪ We wish to express our gratitude for the miracle that can be together

♪ 愛するため強くなるわ

♪ 離れないでいてね

♪ 離れたくないよ

♪ そばで生きて